
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Presentación personal.

Name: Patricio Alejandro Cuevas Cuevas

Location: La Pintana

Birth date: 09/09/1994

There's a beautiful song that say's "someday your'e on top of the world, and one day you are the clown"... I can say that's true. I spend 19 years of my life to make my grandparents happy, specially my grandmother. She wanted me to become a technician in telecommunications, and I did it. Trust me when I say that I know a big part of our crazy geography, from Arica to Concepción, and i loved those days and thats job, but it wasn't what i wanted for the rest of my life, I want a family, kids, pets... and obviously a wife, and for those things, I can'y travel the most of time... so I picked my own way... Comercial Engineering.  And like this is how you watch me now, doing my best.

Loving to write and cinema, I'm some kind of lost in time.

Thanks for reading.
